Our Medford implants are an outstanding method for teeth replacement. At Dental Excellence, we're dedicated to doing everything possible so that you can keep your natural teeth for a lifetime. The reality, however, is that for a variety of reasons, one or teeth might be beyond saving and as a result you will end up with empty space where they used to be. For front teeth, this can end up making you feel uncomfortable about smiling, speaking, or laughing. For back teeth, it can have a negative impact on your ability to chew efficiently. Regardless of the location of the missing tooth, the others on that jaw can shift. You could wind up in discomfort and your jaws may become misaligned.
Fixed bridges and removable dentures are traditional full-tooth restoration, but they only add a prosthetic tooth on the surface of your gums. They bypass the root underneath, which is important for keeping vital gum and bone tissue from atrophying, as well as preserving your facial contours. And the most crucial aspect is that a replacement root creates a strong and reliable foundation for a new tooth. Unlike with a fixed bridge, you won't lose any tooth material with our Medford implants. And you won't need any messy adhesives as with removable dentures.
There are two steps to having dental implants placed. The first is a titanium post, the root replacement. It is surgically put into your jaw, where your bone will grow around it and fuse with it. This typically requires a few months' time, after which a tooth-colored crown will be fashioned and cemented to the top of the post. However, depending on various factors, there are times when our dentist can put the crown on the same day or shortly thereafter. Our Medford implants look, feel, and function just like one of your natural teeth do.
You will be able to chew any food you want to eat, and you can be confident that our Medford implants remain securely in their position, never sliding around like with dentures. You will be able to speak, laugh, smile, and do everything you would if it were a natural tooth. Our Medford implants can last for a lifetime, given the proper care.