If you have missing teeth in need of being replaced, you may well be considering getting dental implants. Dental implants are a very popular tooth replacement method because dental implants look, feel, and function just like regular, permanent teeth. If you would like to meet with our Medford cosmetic dentist to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants, you will want to come in and visit us at our dental practice, Dental Excellence.
Our highly skilled Medford cosmetic dentist is Dr. Robert H. Johnson. When a patient comes into our practice wanting to get dental implants, our dentist will first need to thoroughly evaluate his or her oral situation to make sure that their jawbone is healthy and thick enough to fully heal from the oral surgery, and to ultimately securely hold the titanium dental implant root. Once it is determined that you are a good candidate for the procedure, our dentist will then be able to proceed with the surgery which will insert a dental implant root into your jawbone for each tooth that is going to be replaced. Dental implants can also be used to secure dentures or removable bridges.
Once the oral surgery is completed, there will be a healing period of about 2 to 3 months. During this time, the titanium dental implant root will fully fuse to the jawbone. Once this has completed, our dentists will be able to permanently attach a beautiful porcelain crown to the top portion of the dental implant. This crown will perfectly color-match the adjacent teeth. No one will be able to tell you have a dental implant as a tooth. You will be able to eat anything you want in total comfort, and you will be able to smile and speak with total confidence. If well taken care of with regular brushing and flossing, and with periodic dental cleanings, there is no reason why your dental implants will not last a lifetime. A patient may receive one or many dental implants, depending on how many missing teeth are being replaced. For an appointment to meet with our Medford cosmetic dentist regarding getting dental implants, contact us today.